The DoD Blast Injury Research Program Coordinating Office established the State-of-the-Science meeting series in 2009 to assist the DoD Executive Agent for Medical Research for the Prevention, Mitigation, and Treatment of Blast Injuries in identifying knowledge gaps pertaining to key blast injury research issues, including traumatic brain injury research. As a result of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, traumatic brain injury has been an important focal point of biomedical research in the military and civilian communities. CTE is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that has been provisionally linked to repeated head trauma, including blast exposure, and is characterized by neuropathological, cognitive, motor, and behavioral changes. Knowledge of the causes and neurodegenerative processes leading to CTE remains limited.
Registration is now CLOSED, and we have reached capacity. Thank you to everyone who registered. Government approval for this conference is still pending. Once approval is granted, those individuals who have registered their interest will be contacted to confirm their attendance.
Any questions or requests for information may be forwarded to the SoS Meeting Team ([email protected]) or visit: https://blastinjuryresearch.amedd.army.mil/sos.